
Currently has 3 categories of project groups: Product project groups, Solution project groups, and Software project groups

Product Project Groups

Our Product project groups (aka Product Groups) are divided into three strategic networks areas that collectively make up an end-to-end network: Access, Transport, and Core and Services. By dividing a network into these areas, we can best identify areas in need of innovation and work to build the right products.

Access project groups

The Access project groups are creating innovative infrastructure solutions, technologies, and methodologies to bring more people internet access across all corners of the globe. Access is focused on removing some of the key blockers that make the connection to the end user difficult.

Transport projects

To keep the pace of exponential growth in network traffic, better backhaul is essential. Our Transport project groups are addressing the scalability, fast convergence, ease of configuration and extensibility challenges in wireless and wired backhaul.

Core & services projects

The most significant costs associated with a network are the ongoing costs of operations and maintenance. The Core & Services project groups are simplifying the core network architecture and improving efficiency and flexibility while reducing capex and opex costs associated with keeping a network up and running.

Solution Project Groups

Our Solution project groups (aka Solution Groups) aim to codify open, disaggregated, interoperable network elements, including TIP-incubated technology across all network layers, into a broad range of end-to-end solutions for specific deployment cases that can be used by operators and other connectivity stakeholders.

Software Project Groups

Our Software project groups (aka Software Groups) aim to develop open source software that supports open, disaggregated, interoperable network elements, including support for both TIP-incubated technology across all network layers and open and disaggregated technology to support connectivity. Our Software groups are open to a broad community and will liaise with TIP Project groups and TIP Lab activities. TIP’s Software groups facilitate collaboration, innovation, and agility. Software groups may also develop their own badging criteria for TIP community members to post products on TIP Exchange.

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